Marketplace Building & Recruiting

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Jan 26, 2022
Marketplace Building & Recruiting

Build it and they will come?

Although it isn't always that easy, MarketPush has developed a proven model for recruiting new sellers to your marketplace. We learn all about your goals and then focus single-mindedly to identify and recruit trusted sellers. Whether you have a well-established e-commerce business or are just starting to scale the growth curve, we find sellers who best fit your model.

A robust roster of sellers is the very core of your marketplace. Seller recruitment, though challenging, is critical to a successful marketplace. Sellers bring the depth and breadth of products necessary to offer customers an experience that ensures return business.

Marketpush Accelerates Your Revenue
Results from an actual client

However, finding the right sellers can consume time and exhaust your company's current resources. Because marketplace sellers are an extension of your brand, selecting reliable partners is essential. Let us do that legwork for you, leveraging a process we've perfected. Our track record: we've helped grow the number of trusted sellers by over 80%.

Want to learn more? Contact us and let us show you how we will help take your e-commerce strategy to the next level.